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Lea Hope Bonzer

Feng Shui Artwork to Improve Your Luck

The secret about using artwork is that symbolizes your goals and contributes to positive 

This is based on the “Eight Aspirations” formula of Feng Shui which explains the ancient Chinese belief that our life consists of eight areas such as career, love and romance, relationships, knowledge and wisdom, wealth and prosperity, and so on. 

Each of these areas is linked with a compass sector and an element. 
So by using the right art in the right areas you create balance and you can enjoy 
all eight types of luck.

In modern Feng Shui, the smooth waves of dunes form a pure energy flow that helps one see with clarity, purity, and peace. That is an earth element that governs our emotions.

In Feng Shui landscape photography, the sky presents a moving flow of clouds representing an active chi in place, which is very promising for continuous growth.

The sea insinuates a calm and steady flow in the fine art photograph that exhibits a stable personality. Besides, elements of water signify wealth and always bring enormous prosperity. 
In Feng Shui, anything that has water is regarded as highly auspicious.

There is also a mountain, and mountains are the symbol of stability and solid support to prevent you from any misfortune. Mountains manifest solid support, strength, and resources. 
It helps to bring more support to your life, career, and recognition. Secondly, there is a breathtaking silhouette of mountains in the environment that is vital for good Feng Shui.

There is nothing more promising than a sunrise in your home or office! First, sunrise symbolizes pure yang energy, a new beginning, a new hope, and those embarking on a new journey or new chapter in life. It is about positivity and endurance.

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